Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Watching too much TV

Nowadays many children watch too much TV and this problem is the major cause for disease. We must find and solve this problem because this problem destroys our children. I will describe some effects of watching TV too much, and I will suggest some solutions to this problem.

There are several reasons why our children have the problem of watching too much TV. First of all, when our children watch TV a lot they become obesity. Another effect is that they lose their eyes because they spend all their time to watching TV. The most important effect is that if children watch TV a lot they fail in their studies and they learn some bad thing from movies like violence.

Although these problems are very serious, we can take some steps to solve these problems. First step is that parents should monitor their children every time. Next solution is that parents should organization of time their children. Finally, teach children about bad thing if they watch TV too much.

In conclusion, watching TV too much is a problem because this affects children. We can solve this problem by educate children and their parents.

Omair             CL9

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