Monday, April 11, 2011


In the past all people in the UAE ate healthy food and they were drinking fresh milk. However, these days most people eat fast food and drink Pepsi and Cola especially, young people. This essay will outline some problems linked to obesity and suggest some viable solutions.

There are some reasons why we have the problem of obesity, first of all, changes in diet and they eat too much fast food. Another negative effect is the lifestyle because they don’t like to be active and do physical work. Also, they spend more money on food and young people like to eat outside the home and they prefer fast food. The final, issue is that obese people may become antisocial because some people don’t care about education so, they lack of knowledge about good eating habits and they don’t know which kind of food is good.

There are several things that can be done about these problems. The first solution is that educate people in a special class about eating right, especially children. Second solution is that encourage people to eat healthy and eat with their families. Teach people how to do some activity everyday such as go cycling with Mr. Greg on Friday to Yas Marina.

In conclusion, people can care about their heath and eat anything they want but, must do many sports in order to stay slim. Life with good health is very beautiful.

OMAIR       CL9                    words: 240

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