Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My travel to Mecca

My travel to Mecca
·       Check the car oil, tires and tools
·       You should bring your passport
·       Also check your GPS and bring a map
·       Pack clothes
·       Buy food and water

Last summer I traveled to from Abu Dhabi to Mecca with my friends by my car. Before start our trip we were checks the car tires and tools. Furthermore check a car’s oil and GPS. Also bring your passport and friends passports. Then go to exchange shop to change money. After that we were start our trip in the afternoon. Next we have borne the seat belt. Then driving slowly because KAS streets are very bad and small. You should to fill the tank of petrol every petrol station and buying food and water. After some hours you most change driver with another driver. When you arriving you should talk room for relax.

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