Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fast food and home-cooked meals

Fast food and home-cooked meals
Nowadays many people like children and adults like to eat fast food. However, older people like to home-cooked meals. In this essay I am going to write about similarities and differences between fast food and home-cooked meals.
There are some distinct similarities between fast food and home food. The first similarity is that both of them you can cook and made it anywhere and anytime. Another similarity is that both of them are food. Finally, you can eat both with your friend or your family. Last but not least both of them are cooked by fire.
Although there are some similarities between fast food and home-cooked meals, there are also some differences between them. The first difference is that when you cook fast food you take short time but, home food takes longer time. Another major difference is that fast food is unhealthy but, home food is healthier. Yet another difference is that fast food is cheaper than home food.
Overall, the differences outweigh the similarities. I think both of them are good when you eat low but, when you eat a lot of these foods you will be sick.   

1 comment:

  1. Omair:

    Your blog looks good, with some minor usage errors especially in your first Procedure post. Your added pictures in your blog make it attractive, and use the same style, fonts/ typefaces in all your posts.
    Next time fix your posts before you continue.
    Good work!

    THe Fox
