Tuesday, May 24, 2011

N175 Critical Reflection #6

In this year I learned some skills with Mr. Gregory Vrhovnik about writing, reading, speaking and listening.

Before I don’t know anything about English language, but my teacher teaches me step by step. However, now my English language improves and I can do well in writing, reading and listening. Because my teacher gave me practices every day and he help me when I need his help. Also some time my classmate and I went with our teacher to library for do some useful practices about writing, reading and listening and our teacher gave us useful advises. I think now my English language improved and I learned how writing and reading do correctly. I don’t a fried form study in next year’s because now  I can speak English and this help me to understand all my teachers. Furthermore, now I can work anywhere because I can speak English and this help me if I travel.
I very happy for that and I decided to do exercises everyday because I want my English language to improve. Think for Mr. Gregory Vrhovnik and I hope he teaches me in the future.
Omair Mohamed        CL9
H00159143             Words: 190

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