Tuesday, May 24, 2011

N175 Critical Reflection #6

In this year I learned some skills with Mr. Gregory Vrhovnik about writing, reading, speaking and listening.

Before I don’t know anything about English language, but my teacher teaches me step by step. However, now my English language improves and I can do well in writing, reading and listening. Because my teacher gave me practices every day and he help me when I need his help. Also some time my classmate and I went with our teacher to library for do some useful practices about writing, reading and listening and our teacher gave us useful advises. I think now my English language improved and I learned how writing and reading do correctly. I don’t a fried form study in next year’s because now  I can speak English and this help me to understand all my teachers. Furthermore, now I can work anywhere because I can speak English and this help me if I travel.
I very happy for that and I decided to do exercises everyday because I want my English language to improve. Think for Mr. Gregory Vrhovnik and I hope he teaches me in the future.
Omair Mohamed        CL9
H00159143             Words: 190

Websites blocking (Argument) 1

In the UAE Etisalat blocks some websites and some people believe that this idea is good. Others think that this idea is very bad and ignorant. This essay will examine the pros and cons of etisalat blocking some websites.

There are several websites blocked by etisalat. The first argument is that people will learn bad things if bad websites are available. Some adults like to open bad websites like sex websites so, they imitate them. Another point is to protect the security of our country. Some people like terrors want to destroy our country by entry to secret websites from these countries. Next pro is that some people like stealing from sites. This is important because a few people prefer to steal information and money from websites.

However, there are many for more convincing arguments against blocking websites. The first point is that some people think that it is ignorant. For example, some people like to open bad sites and they say why are we not like foreign countries. A second point is that some people like knowledge. They prefer knowing everything about the world. Another point is that some people like see all sites and they say “why should we pay if they close websites”.

In conclusion, blocking websites has advantages and disadvantages. I think blocking websites is very good because these websites have bad information and this may destroy people.

Omair Mohammed 
CL9                          Words: 239     

Examinations at HCT (Argument) 2

All colleges and university in the world use examinations for all students. This essay will examine the pros and cons of using examination at HCT.

Let me deal first with the positive side of examinations. The first argument is that exams are equal for all students. For example, testing is fair because all students take the same test and are assessed equally. Another point is that students will review materials. This will give students good feedback on their understanding of the subject. A further point is that exams help to know student’s levels. Testing is a good way to determine what students have learned in the course.

I think there are also arguments that support the statement. I think the most important point is that some exams are poorly written and are culturally daisy against non Western students. For example, some exams written by western teachers for western audiences are biased and non westerners will score lower due to this bias. Another point is that not enough time is given because some subjects need a longer time to finish, so they don’t give time for exams. The next argument is that reports and projects are a better way to grade. Exams are not a fair way of giving grades since students should be graded on their classroom assignment.

In conclusion, using exams at HCT has pros and cons. I think HCT without exams is better for all students and teachers because some students do not do well in some exams because they have problems of nervousness and attention.

OMAIR MOHAMED      CL9      WORD: 260 

Monday, May 23, 2011

Workers came to Dubai (line graph) 1

The graph shows how many workers came to Dubai from the UK and Canada between 1990 and 2006. Overall, there are big differences between these 2 groups.

From 1990 to 1994 there was dramatic rise in the number of workers from the UK. There was a slow fall from 70 thousands to 60 thousand between 1994 and 2000. Then there was sharp climb from 2000 to 2006. At 2006 worker numbers peaked at about 90 thousand.

There was slight rise from 1990 to 1992 with workers from Canada. It increased sharply from 15 thousand in 1992 to 40 thousand in 1994. Between 1992 and 2002 the numbers of workers from Canada grew dramatically. There was slight decline from 88 thousand in 2002 to 80 thousand in 2004.  Also, there a peak in worker numbers in 2006 at about 90 thousand.

All in all, the graph shows that number of workers coming to Dubai increased almost every year from 1990 to 2006.        

 Omair Mohamed 
Words: 159

Visitors to Canada, 1996 to 2006 (line graph) 2

The line graph shows the number of visitors from Spain and Japan to Canada between 1996 and 2006. Overall, there are big differences 

between visitors from Spain and Japan to Canada from 1996 to 2006.
Starting in 1996, there was a significant difference in the number of visitors from Spain to Canada. There were almost 300,000 Spanish visitors, compared to 850,000 Japanese visitors. There was a slow fall between 1996 and 1997 in the number of visitor from Japan and there was a sharp decrease from 2001 to 2003. Then the number of Japanese visitor grew dramatically.

There was rapid rise from 1996 to1999 with visitors from Spain. Between 1999 and 2000 the numbers of visitors from Spain decreased quickly. From 2000 to 2006 the number of visitors fluctuated greatly.

All in all, the graph shows that the number of visitors from Spain increased every year. However, the number of visitors from Japan increased then decreased.

Omair Mohammed
Words: 155 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

#5 Mobile Phone (Argument)

In the UAE most people like to use mobile phone while they drive. Others think that using mobiles when you drive is illegal and bad. This essay will examine the pros and cons of making it illegal to use the mobile phone while driving.

Let me deal first with the positive side of making phones illegal while driving. The main point I would like to discuss is that while talking you are not focused on driving. For example, if you talk while you are driving you can’t focus on your car and you will have an accident. Another point is that if you hear bad news you might get angry and get distorted. A further point is that while you are talking on the phone it is easy to drive too fast and have an accident. For example you don’t care about your driving and you can’t control the car because you care about mobile phone more.

However, there are many far convincing arguments against making mobiles illegal. I think the most important point is in case of an emergency, so you need to call for help. Some people need mobile because their cars broke in the middle of the street. Another point is that if you mead to use the map application on your phone you need to see the screen. Next point is that for businessmen to take important business calls, so they need to use their phone. For example, some businessman like take important calls to complete their business.

In conclusion, mobile phone has advantages and disadvantages. I strongly believe that mobile phone help us to safe our life.

OMAIR MOHAMED      CL9         word: 272